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Cindy // Inspired

My name is Cindy. I got, um, pregnant really young so I didn't really have a lot of support or help so I had to drop out to be a mom. My daughter’s dad wasn’t that encouraging and he didn’t really let me to go to school so I kinda had to leave that behind and be a mom and work. And now I’ve been separated and it’s been like the best three years of my life because I feel free now.


I’m in school, I’m working, and I get to be...I get to do a lot of things that I couldn’t do when I was with my daughter’s dad so it’s really different. I mean, it’s not fun being a single mom but I enjoy it; I’d rather be by myself than with someone who doesn't encourage me in my life. My daughter, oh my God my daughter, she’s just sooo...what can I say? Just my face. She’s my everything, so.  She’s like the light to my path; every day I wake up, I just look at her and I’m like, I have to do it, get up and do it and work for her. I dunno she’s my happiness. I cannot think of anything else, I mean she’s my happiness.


I’d see myself going like to prom, graduating, y’know, I always wanted to do that but I couldn’t so I hope my daughter does that because I want her to do it. And when I see all these prom people I’m like, oh I wish that could’ve been me, yeah. But, hopefully my daughter gets to do that.


Just, I mean I dropped out so many years ago and I never thought I’d be doing this right now, like my GED. I never thought about it at all. I was like, okay, I dropped out. That’s it. I’m never gonna get nothing and now I’m right here. I never thought I’d be sitting here, actually, getting my GED. For real, like, I didn’t. I just thought, I’m gonna be a stay-at-home mom forever, and whatever job I get, that’s what I get. But nope, I guess my daughter really did inspire me, yeah.

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